Unlock Well-being with the Neuro Emotional Technique

neuro emotional technique

Imagine a day when you have complete control over your emotions. Jane, a neurodiverse individual, found it hard to manage her emotions, making every day stressful. However, she discovered the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) which transformed her life. NET uses science, psychology, and healing practices to improve emotional well-being. The Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) came about in the late 1970s. It is a proven therapy that targets emotional health by clearing body stress1. Many licensed professionals trust and use NET1. It helps with body pain, problems with organs, and boosts performance at work and in sports1. NET combines chiropractic, kinesiology, and physiology for better results1.

Key Takeaways

  • Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a tool for emotional healing and physiological well-being that addresses stored stress within the body.
  • Developed in the late 1970s, NET helps resolve chronic pain and enhances overall well-being by combining neuroscience, psychology, and traditional healing practices.
  • Millions have experienced improved emotional well-being through NET over 35 years of practice2.
  • NET can help with various issues such as stress relief, mental health improvements, and physical symptom alleviation.
  • Certification and choosing the right practitioner are critical for effective NET therapy.
  • Integrating NET into holistic therapy can complement traditional practices for comprehensive emotional healing.

Stay with us to learn more about NET, how it works, and finding the right practitioner. NET can help you deal with stress, chronic pain, or emotional issues. It offers a way to better well-being.

What is Neuro Emotional Technique?

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) helps heal emotional stress by working on emotional blockages, making you stronger emotionally. By addressing these blockages, NET reduces physical problems tied to those emotions, thereby boosting overall health.

Understanding the Basics

NET uses muscle testing, visualization, and pressure points for healing. It finds and fixes emotional triggers in the body. This helps improve physical and emotional health. Visits usually take about 30 minutes. They include a chat and a special plan to meet your needs3. Some chiropractors also use NET with their adjustments for better results4.

Origins and History

NET comes from acupressure, chiropractic, and applied kinesiology. It’s great for treating stress and emotional trauma using neuroemotional techniques. NET changes how the brain deals with emotions, reducing stress reactions Its goal is to fix spinal problems and improve energy flow. This makes traditional treatments work better4.

The Neurological & Scientific Fundamentals of NET

The Neurological and Scientific Fundamentals of Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) involve addressing the complex interactions between the nervous system and emotional states. NET is defined as a subjective maladaptation syndrome adopted by an organism in response to a specific stressor, leading to weakened physiological states. Chiropractors aiming to learn NET must understand the delicate interplay between psychological and physical imbalances.

Correcting Subluxation

A key component of NET therapy involves identifying and correcting subluxation, a misalignment that can impact nerves and other parts of the body. By correcting these misalignments, NET can improve a patientโ€™s heart rate and inhibition of peristalsis. Addressing physical imbalances via the meridian pathways can lead to significant improvements in health and well-being.

Role of Chiropractors in NET

Chiropractors who perform chiropractic adjustments also learn to identify patterns of stress and maladaptive responses in their patients, making them vulnerable to the formation of โ€˜stuckโ€™ emotional patterns. By addressing these patterns, patients can experience relief from subjective maladaptation, thereby enhancing their overall health.

How Does NET Work?

NET combines muscle testing, acupressure, and neuro emotional complexes. Over 10,000 professionals practice it worldwide5. They are chiropractors, psychotherapists, and more. This method helps ease emotional stress.

Principles of Acupressure and Muscle Testing

With muscle testing, NET talks to the body. It finds what emotional triggers harm well-being. Specialists apply pressure to body points. This shows how stress affects muscle strength6. This blend of muscle testing and acupressure lets NET workers show healing progress. Clients see real improvements during sessions6.

Role of the Neuro-Emotional Complex

The neuro emotional complex links emotions and physical reactions, often using meridian points. NET aims to fix these imbalances, like fixing physical issues or blockages5. Research by Candace Pert, PhD, and Joseph LeDoux, PhD, shows our body’s physical response to stress5. The goal is to bring balance back, easing stress and trauma effects5. Using acupressure and muscle testing, NET boosts natural healing. It helps clear NECs, offering emotional relief.

The Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body link is key to Neuro Emotional Technique (NET). This approach finds how our emotions and health are connected. It shows that stress can turn into real physical problems. Emotions like trauma can upset our body, leading to sickness that stops us from being fully well.

Chronic stress can mess up our body’s balance, possibly causing weight issues and diabetes7. NET uses muscle tests and thinking exercises to lower stress in our bodies. This helps heal trauma8. NET experts help people get rid of emotional hurdles. This helps fix both mind and health issues. Studies say long-term stress can mess up our stress system. This can make stress hormone levels go up, leading to heart diseases7.

The focus is on fixing the bodyโ€™s problem areas and emotion links to make health better. NET works well in healing trauma by affecting how the brain and parts of the body respond. Brain scans and blood tests show it does better than usual methods8. Emotional stress can make the nervous system overactive. This can hurt the heart’s health7.

NET targets these stress issues, leading to better emotional and physical balance. D. D. Palmer, who started chiropractic work, talked about emotions and health in 18959. Even though it’s an old idea, today’s science still backs it up. NET helps solve emotional stress, making both our minds and bodies healthier. This shows the lasting value of the mind-body connection.

Applications of Neuro Emotional Technique

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) helps with stress, mental health, and easing physical symptoms. It blends chiropractic, psychology, and Chinese medicine. This makes it a whole-body solution to feeling better.

Stress Relief

stress relief

NET helps with stress by fixing blockages and balancing the nervous system. Chiropractic work in NET makes our stress response better. This improves emotions10. I have seen NET work well in reducing stress. It helps people manage tough situations better.

Mental Health Improvements

NET also addresses anxiety and depression. It uses physical and psychological techniques to find and solve emotional traumas10. Chinese medicine, like acupressure, helps too10. These methods boost mental health by teaching healthy ways to deal with problems. They lessen emotional pain.

Physical Symptom Alleviation

NET can ease pain and tension from emotional stress. Chiropractic adjustments and Chinese medicine help fix the nervous system11. It works well for ADHD symptoms in kids10. NET benefits many parts of health. It’s great for reducing stress, improving mental health, and easing physical issues.

Clearing Stress Response Pathways

A Neuro Emotional Complex (NEC) is a bodyโ€™s automatic response to real or perceived threats. This stress response involves the release of neuropeptides, chemicals that link emotions to physical reactions in the body.

Neuroscientist Candace Pert showed that these neuropeptides are crucial for emotional responses, connecting the mind and body. When someone is stressed, these chemicals trigger a quick response in the brain, particularly affecting the nerves.

Neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux found that these responses travel rapidly to parts of the brain like the thalamus and amygdala, which process emotions quickly.

To help clear these stress pathways, chiropractors use NET to help individuals clear stress response pathways. This technique helps the body resolve stress by addressing both physical and emotional factors. Combining NET with insights from Paul MacLeanโ€™s brain research and psychotherapy techniques has shown positive results, reducing stress and improving emotional well-being.

Benefits of NET for Emotional Healing

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is great for healing emotionally. It tackles deep emotional issues for a better well-being12. Through NET, people can let go of emotional pain, which helps them become emotionally stronger13. It offers new insights quicker than regular therapy. This method touches the subconscious mind for big emotional benefits.

Long-lasting Emotional Freedom

NET gives people lasting emotional freedom. It uses muscle tests and responses to remove bad emotional stress12. This leads to less anxiety, phobias, and worries, letting people feel truly free emotionally13. Afterward, individuals can tackle life’s problems with more strength and clear thinking.

TriggerPhysical ManifestationEmotional Outcome
Stressful past eventBody painEmotional release
Money worriesHeadachesReduced anxiety
Relationship issuesShoulder tensionImproved communication
Life roles pressureDigestive issuesEmotional healing

Improved Relationships and Communication

NET also helps with relationships. It clears unresolved stresses, making communication better12. This process lets people truly connect, improving relationships and lessening conflicts13. By healing emotionally, people communicate better. This leads to stronger relationships.

Personal Experiences with NET

personal growth NET testimonials emotional well-being

Many people talk about how NET treatment has helped them grow and feel better emotionally. They say it deals with deep emotional issues and even helps the body heal. For example, some with autoimmune diseases saw a quick drop in harmful antibodies after just one NET session14. Others who had trouble having a baby saw amazing results. After NET, they were able to have healthy babies14. People with chronic neck pain and muscle spasms also felt much better14. These stories show how important NET is for personal growth and emotional healing facilitated by treatment. NET greatly improves emotional health.

People dealing with sadness, stress, and trauma felt much better after NET14. It’s amazing that NET can connect how we feel emotionally with our body’s health. This lets people heal naturally from deep emotional pain15. Those carrying heavy emotional loads found relief after NET sessions14. NET also makes a big difference in people’s lives beyond health. It helps them overcome fears and habits that hold them back. Some who struggled with money because of emotional issues started saving after NET14. NET’s way of reducing stress and aligning emotional health improves life in many ways15. I have compiled a comparison of the varied success stories associated with NET:

ConditionNET OutcomeReference
Autoimmune DiseaseImprovement in condition14
InfertilitySuccessful pregnancies14
Chronic Neck PainRelief without medication14
Emotional DistressSignificant emotional healing14
Financial ChallengesPositive changes in financial habits14

How to Find a Certified NET Practitioner

It’s important to find a certified NET practitioner for a good experience. They must have completed tough training and follow certain standards. Knowing why certification is important and how to pick the right practitioner is key.

Importance of Certification

Certification shows the practitioner knows how to use Neuro Emotional Technique well. They need a degree and a license to take NET seminars16. Also, they must do an online course costing $200 before attending more training16. This ensures they can help with stress using techniques like muscle testing and the 15-Steps of NET17.

Tips for Choosing the Right Practitioner

Picking the right NET practitioner affects how well the therapy works. Here are tips to choose wisely:

  • Look at their background and certification. They should be well-trained and certified.
  • Read what other clients say. Happy clients mean the practitioner is likely good.
  • Make sure they fit your health goals. Whether it’s for stress or healing, their skills should match.
  • Talk to them first about how NET treatment can help. This helps see if they understand your needs and have the right experience.

Using NET can really improve your health emotionally and physically. By choosing a certified practitioner, your journey towards better well-being is guided by a pro through professional guidance.

Integrating NET into Holistic Therapy

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) boosts the power of holistic therapy. It targets both emotional issues and physical health. NET works by solving emotional conflicts in our bodies. This method helps improve physical and emotional well-being together.

Complementing Traditional Therapies

NET works well with other therapy methods. It uses Muscle Response Testing to find and fix emotional blocks. This process eases physical symptoms and solves the emotional causes18. NET is non-invasive and supports a full recovery, especially for stress and physical problems. NET also helps with sleep problems by tackling emotional stress. It balances the nervous system, reducing the fight-or-flight response. This is great for those with sleep issues from trauma or PTSD19. NET makes sleep better with a plan tailored for the individual.

Combining NET with Other Holistic Practices

Adding NET to physiotherapy, kinesiology, and counseling creates a full mind-body wellness plan. NET uses Oriental Medicine and mind-body strategies to heal emotions. It solves problems related to relationships, family, and finances20. NET is a key part of holistic therapy. NET is safe and natural for many therapy types. It helps with chronic pains, migraines, anxiety, and self-sabotage. NET treats emotional causes of stress20. It also aids children and parents with emotional and behavioral issues. NET improves therapy results significantly20.


The Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) blends ancient healing practices with modern science, offering a unique path to better health. NET focuses on the root emotional causes of physical issues, providing long-term health benefits rather than quick fixes. Studies show it works for many, but we still need more research21. NET has been found to greatly help with chronic low-back pain, showing significant improvements in health compared to fake treatments22. This means NET could save people money and be an effective care option22.

If youโ€™re considering NET, consulting a certified practitioner is a smart move. NET uses science to help overcome emotional challenges and aims for long-term health, not just quick fixes. This approach can truly improve your life. From emotional healing to physical well-being, NET has a lot to offer on your wellness journey.

Neuro Emotional Technique FAQ’s

Q: What is Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)?

A: NET is a mind-body technique that seeks to normalize unresolved physical or emotional stress responses in the body using parts of the body like meridians.

Q: How does a NET session work?

A: During a NET session, a practitioner uses manual muscle testing to identify unresolved stress responses and then applies a combination of techniques from traditional Chinese medicine, cognitive behavioral therapy, and chiropractic adjustments to help release these responses.

Q: Who is Mary Lou Rane and what is her role in NET?

A: Mary Lou Rane is one of the founders of NET. She developed the technique to address emotional components of illness and has trained practitioners from 30 different countries in the method.

Q: What is the goal of NET?

A: The goal of NET is to help individuals overcome emotional and physical imbalances by addressing the underlying neuroemotional responses that may be contributing to their symptoms.

Q: How is a NET session different from traditional chiropractic treatment?

A: While NET incorporates elements of chiropractic care, it focuses specifically on identifying and addressing associated meridian-related emotional responses, in addition to physical subluxations.

Q: What is the role of manual muscle testing in NET?

A: Manual muscle testing is used in NET to identify areas of stress or imbalance in the body by assessing the body’s response to various stimuli.

Q: How does NET training help chiropractors?

A: NET training allows chiropractors to learn how to incorporate mind-body techniques into their practice, enabling them to address both physical and emotional aspects of their patients’ health.

Q: What is the formation of NET based on?

A: NET is based on the idea that emotional responses can cause physical subluxations in the body, impacting overall health and well-being.

Q: Are there any research foundations supporting the efficacy of NET?

A: One research foundation, led by Scott Walker, has conducted studies indicating the positive effects of NET in addressing traumatic stress symptoms and psychosomatic conditions related to the old mammalian brain.

Source Links

  1. Neuro-Emotional Techniqueยฎ – NeuroBlossom Chiropractic
  2. Your Emotional Wellbeing: A Journey with Neuro Emotional Technique
  3. Neuro Emotional Technique Warren, Lordstown, Newton Falls OH | Mason Chiropractic & Wellness Center
  4. Opp Family Chiropractic Neuro-Emotional Technique
  5. NETmindbody – What is NET?
  6. What is Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) and How Does it Help Neutralize Trauma and Stress?
  7. Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) and you brain
  8. Neuro Emotional Technique: NET Therapy May Improve Stress Response
  9. PDF
  10. How Neuro-Emotional Technique Can Help Your Children | Houston’s Premier Functional Medicine Clinic | The Hayden Institute
  11. Techniques
  12. NET Consultation | Neuro Emotional Technique
  13. Energy Flow Acupuncture & Wellness Center
  14. Pine Run Alternative Health Care
  15. How NET has helped me and my practice
  16. NETmindbody – NET Seminar Trainings
  17. NETmindbody – More for mind-oriented practitioners
  18. Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) – Holistic Center at Bristol Square
  19. Reclaim Your Rest: How Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) Can Transform Your Sleep
  20. Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) at Right Starts Occupational Therapy
  21. The Neuro Emotional Technique Is a Bizarre Hybrid of Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Applied Kinesiology
  22. The Endurance of Neuro-Emotional-Technique Effects on Chronic Low-Back Pain
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